The best way to be able to find out if a business or entity is performing up to par is to make use of financial ratios that include current ratios, liquidity ratios and rates of return. These ratios, usually taught in financial classes that cover accounting and finance, are good measures instead of looking at […]
Being a Proactive Employee in the Workplace
By Gordon
The energy coming from the routine office work would always originate from the people who would perform them. Energy in the workplace is stimulated from the people who are in it. It is not purely something coming from the office equipment, computers or the papers lying on the desks. The attitude and stimulant atmosphere created […]
A Business is More than just Financial Statements
By Gordon
For people who are not adept in understanding the whole business methodology, there should be something more than just plain reference towards the financial statements of a company such as the Balance Sheet, Income Statement and the Cash Flows. People need to also consider the overall operations, the level of investments made and the paid-up […]
The Benefits of Focus Group Discussions in Business
By Gordon
The ideas of one person alone are not enough to cover all the areas of operations in business development and strategy building today. As proven time and again, inputs coming from various areas in the field of business such as marketing, personnel, finance and administration is a good way to collect and compare notes so […]