The ideas of one person alone are not enough to cover all the areas of operations in business development and strategy building today. As proven time and again, inputs coming from various areas in the field of business such as marketing, personnel, finance and administration is a good way to collect and compare notes so that a consolidated joining of ideas for the improvement of organizational performance can be achieved.
Focus group discussions aim to provide such a ploy. Soliciting the insights from key departments and sections of a company can contribute greatly in achieving the business direction a company wants to find itself in. Overall performance and strategic management is not always confined to the jurisdiction of top executives of a company. Sometimes, even rank and file employees have unique ideas that are waiting to be discovered. All it needs is giving them the needed breaks to make it all happen and benefit both parties.
[tags]focus group discussion, strategy management, business development[/tags]
Originally posted on August 1, 2007 @ 5:01 pm